Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Apéros Bordeaux and chocolate

Pour moi, Or Noir représente l’excellence du savoir-faire chocolatier. 
J’ai mis au point mon propre chocolat, appuyé par l’équipe élite de 
Cacao Barry à leur laboratoire Or Noir à Paris, qui révèle une 
complexité des saveurs qui est tout ce que je veux d’un chocolat. 
J’ai créé un chocolat unique qui est en quelque sorte le reflet de ma 
personnalité. Un chocolat fin et délicat avec un goût franc, élégant, 
qui a des notes d’épices tout en étant onctueux et généreux.
-Eric Gonzalez-

Last Tuesday was the the launch of the first canadian Or Noir chocolate. Écorce was made according to Eric Gonzalez' wishes.  L'Auberge St-Gabriel's chef has hit a homerun with this recipe, it is delicate and very smooth with a hint of spices.

I wasn't able to taste every desserts served that night.  Aperos Bordeaux has grown in popularity to the point of excess capacity and the amount of people present were turning going from point A to B into an obstacle course worthy of the Amazing Race.  I managed to grab one tasty morsel and that was it.  It was worth it though... excellent chocolaty bite!

Aperos Bordeaux have obviously become too popular for that venue. Time to expand to the second floor, because you want to try them!  Wines served there are excellent and it's a great way to taste a lot of them and still skip the hangover.

I guess I'll have to go back to l'Auberge for a desserts tasting.... ho the life of a food blogger... so though...

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